By Team Homes

JD Institutes Young Designers: Breaking Down the Barriers to Catalyze Innovation

Whenever we talk about a modern space, the first thing comes to our mind is the interior design, because without a proper base and structure of interior design, a living space would be the salt-less food. Whether you possess a grand mansion or a small cozy apartment, an aesthetically pleasing interior is always everybody would love.

The upgraded version of interior design not only characterized by alluring aesthetics, at the same time, it should be comfortable and delightful which carries a welcoming vibe for all its visitors. The modern interior design, now-a-days always demands to be more attractive, flexible, and functional

“Enjoy the space, save the space, and enhance the space, do not take space for granted” -Nealesh Dal

Discover the professionalism of creating wonder with Sophisticated Interior transformation

“Young designers should embrace change and innovate with enthusiasm. I am proud to be a part of this transformative era”, Nealesh Dalal

MODEL 1: KeeperCove: A Sustainable Sanctuary for Forest Guardians

Designer: Sushma H M

Award: Awarded Best Design of the Year

KeeperCove is a revolutionary project creating a safe and efficient shelter solution for forest guards stationed in remote locations. This pioneering concept prioritizes durability, functionality, and ecological sensitivity to empower forest guards in their vital role of protecting our forests.

KeeperCove is featured with immense potential for government backing, offers a glimpse into the future of forest guard shelters. By prioritizing the well-being of both forest guards and the environment, KeeperCove paves the way for a more sustainable approach to forest conservation.

Key Features of the Design:

  • A Resilient Refuge: The foundation utilizes sturdy concrete pipes, offering unmatched strength against harsh weather, heavy rain, and even potential animal encounters. This innovative use of concrete sets a new standard for sustainable architecture, ensuring the shelter endures the elements while minimizing environmental impact.
  • Designed for Duty: The interior layout is meticulously designed to cater to the specific needs of forest guards. It features optimized storage for equipment, comfortable sleeping quarters, reliable communication facilities, and a compact workstation—all within a confined space.
  • Living in Harmony with Nature: KeeperCove fosters a symbiotic relationship with the environment. The vegetal mesh cover seamlessly integrates the structure with its surroundings, providing a habitat for birds without disturbing local wildlife.
  • A Vision for the Future: The design embraces a futuristic approach. The use of concrete pipes as a primary structure paves the way for novel and sustainable construction methods. The potential integration of smart sensors and renewable energy sources further elevates the shelter's functionality.
  • A Marriage of Functionality & Sustainability: The material and mood board embody KeeperCove's philosophy. Sturdy concrete pipes and innovative construction techniques showcase its durability and futuristic aspects. Optimized interior layouts highlight functionality, while lush greenery and wildlife visuals emphasize the shelter's ecological sensitivity. The prominent vegetal mesh cover reinforces the harmonious coexistence between human intervention and the natural world.