By Sreejita Talukdar, Content Writer, Homes

Create Smart Buildings & Plug into Smart & Sustainable Future

The tapestry of technology has driven us towards a meaningful change where mankind got its new direction. Technology brought us a lot of varieties in our life through innovation, invention and discoveries. The decade we are living in, has witnessed major advancements in terms of technology that have gone on to transform the ambit of architecture, engineering, and construction. Holding the strong hands of digital technology we entered into this smart decade where we have come under a gamut of automation. From smart gadgets to smart building, the bright elements of science are constantly helping us to transform seamlessly. Builders and architects of today are learning and developing their knowledge and integrating their engineering skill with data science and creating smart building utilizing space. From smart homes and offices to smart buildings and cities, the transition of the dream of a sustainable future has been an ambitious one.

Smart Building is the first step towards the inevitable future of the nation which is the sincere apology to the ecology against heinous contamination.

Infosys’ Software Development Building

Location: Pune, Maharashtra

Type: Commercial

This building won the ‘Smartest Single Occupant Private Office’ award. This building was hitting the headlines since its construction due to its unique structure and state-of-art facilities. Designed by Hafeez Contractor, the building just resembles the spaceship, and it can accommodate 3000 employees. Pune Development Centre described the building as a "spacecraft that will launch us in the next orbit." The structure is meant to speak the hi-tech language of computer, software development and cutting-edge technology. Structural designer Dhananjay Dake coordinated with Hafeez Contractor and designed the building like a descending spaceship, one end of whose is buried under the ground and other one is lifted up. The whole structure is titled at an angle of 10 degree. Instead of air conditioning, it has special air cooling system. Pre-stressed grid cell geometry was employed as a part of the innovative architectural engineering. The building houses a worlds class meeting room, recreational activity room wooden court to play games, gym, swimming pool, biophilic amphitheater, spectacular cafeteria, meditation room, cricket stadium and an in-house restaurant name ‘The Pavillion’. Infosys is a global leader who is focused in waste management and carbon offset management since 2015 and stressed on using sustainable energy efficient products and material.

Considering the above, we can say that, technology is getting upgraded and updating the mankind by its appealing and efficient charm. India has ranked 8th in the global list of countries with the most hazardous air quality. To save our mother nature we need to invest in green energy and achieve expertise in this smart and energy efficient technologies. These smart green technologies are revitalizing the environment by maintaining ecological balance. The global smart building market size is projected to grow from $96.96 billion in 2023 to $408.21 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 22.8%. In India, Bangalore has invested the most in smart buildings (57%) followed by Mumbai (36%). Reports found that, airports and hotels are the smartest buildings in India with an average Smart Building Score of 49 and 41 respectively. In the forthcoming period more ingenious technologies will join hands with the existing ones and it will create a messiah which not only take care of our luxury and comfort but will regenerate the nurturing nature.