By Sreejita Talukdar, Content Writer, Homes

Traditional Architecture around the World: Best Blueprint for the Future Architects

Since the ancient age, when the humans decided to live a settled life leaving behind the life of hunter and gatherers, the first thing came to their mind was to create a safe shelter for themselves, and this is the beginning of concept of architecture.

Different country has their own climatic characteristics and based on this houses are designed and built.

Cultural differentiation is observed around the world, but amidst all these cultural differentiations, the primary concept of home remains the same for all. Homes are created and adorned with the hearts who resides in it, the materials used doesn’t matter at all. Whether it’s a place or a feeling, humans are constantly reimagining and redefining what a home means.

Traditional architecture is the pursuit of individual aspiration to do good for the communities, being true to the knowledge and wisdom, filled with reason, memory, and skill that we apply in fulfilling those aspirations

Giwa is the reason of the Hanoks special unique shape of roof. Hanok reflects a vibrant look because it uses 'O-bang' color, which is the traditional 5 colors combination of Korea. Modern Hanoks are equipped with all the necessary luxury amenities and offers a premium experience for the tourists.

Igloos of Baffin Island, Canada

Igloos are constructed by the Eskimos who live in the polar region. The whole construction of these houses creatively designed to lock the temperature inside the room being surrounded by extremely cold climate.

These igloo houses are carved out of deep snowdrift of fine-grained, compressed, and insulating snow to create ice dwellings which is temporary shelter. The inmates of these houses lit fire lamps with the oil they extract from animal fat.

The dimensions of igloos may vary, but they generally accommodate only one family. An experienced Inuit can build a snow igloo in between one and two hours. Sod, stone, and wood are also used to construct igloos.

Few years ago, we were not so aware of the igloos but, now people are saving this creative traditional architecture as part of the Inuit history. Currently, in locations like Canada, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Austria, and Romania, tourists can stay in ice hotels or can rent igloos to sleep in.

Canal House of Netherland

Amsterdam is situated in the lowland of Europe and surrounded by canals and other water bodies, so the location is prone to flood. The canal houses are tall and light weight, their main part is elevated from street level.

The whole structure of the canal house is divided in a basement, an attic, and a loft to store goods. Beautiful garden can be set-up in the backyard of the house. The most striking feature of this house is its slightly narrowed facade, while the staircases are crafted narrow and thin along with wide doors and windows.

Today by using the modern architectural techniques and methods, canal houses can be combined with more than one original home, making for lavish and spacious houses that maintain the charm of the original features.

Bottom Line

Day in day out, the architecture is continuously evolving by embracing the diversity and hoisting the flag of the rich architectural heritage worldwide. Traditional architecture is the vast gold mine, from where the modern architects are extracting the unfiltered gold and molding it into polished metal.

Humans are always curious about the interplay of nature and natural elements. They have adopted the nature and crafted their dwellings carefully observed the nature and climate. Owing to this, we get variety of architectural structures around the globe.

In order to uplift the standard of living and level of comfort we are unknowingly harming the serenity of nature. Due to the recent nature conscious awakening, people realized the significance of traditional methods and nature-friendly materials which can save our future sustainably and beautifully.

We should optimize traditionally diverse architecture to craft vibrant, inclusive, and intensive environment, which not only hold the present but will protect the generations to come.