By Sreejita Talukdar, Content Writer, Homes

Traditional Architecture around the World: Best Blueprint for the Future Architects

Since the ancient age, when the humans decided to live a settled life leaving behind the life of hunter and gatherers, the first thing came to their mind was to create a safe shelter for themselves, and this is the beginning of concept of architecture.

Different country has their own climatic characteristics and based on this houses are designed and built.

Cultural differentiation is observed around the world, but amidst all these cultural differentiations, the primary concept of home remains the same for all. Homes are created and adorned with the hearts who resides in it, the materials used doesn’t matter at all. Whether it’s a place or a feeling, humans are constantly reimagining and redefining what a home means.

Traditional architecture is the pursuit of individual aspiration to do good for the communities, being true to the knowledge and wisdom, filled with reason, memory, and skill that we apply in fulfilling those aspirations

Nisyrian House in Greece

The name of these houses is derived from the island of Nisyros. This unique architecture is featured with the indigenous structures of the mesmerizing landscape. The houses are consisted of two-storeys and closely clustered to withstand the waves and winds come from the sea.

The interior of the houses have all the luxurious amenities. Each of the town has their own unique features in many places such as floor design, roof steps, and tiles. These homes have brightly coloured wooden balcony.

From the distance the stretch of such buildings appears symmetrical statue tunning. The special structure also includes brightly painted wooden balconies. For these unique features and welcoming vibes, hospitality industry has adopted the style of architecture in luxury stay and resorts.

Traditional Korean House – Hanok

These houses came into existence during 14th century when the Koreans incorporated western style in their architecture. The construction method of Hanok has undergone a lot of changes and improvisation.

According to some historians, it is a wooden structure which is built according to the traditional Korean-style framework which consists of columns and purlins and a roof reflecting the Korean traditional architectural style.

The Hanoks are creatively designed and share a special relationship with the surroundings in which they’re built. This structure is suitable for both extreme summer and winter. To maintain perfect ventilation in summer, it has wooden floors known as ‘daecheyong maru’. A special type of roof tiles were used which is made up of baked soil, known as giwa.