By Sreejita Talukdar, Content Writer, Homes

Five Best Women Architects: The Change Makers & The Taboo Breakers

The Landscape of Construction and Real estate is predominantly male dominated profession, where women not really want to work because of their preoccupied notion regarding the complexities of work in this sector. From the numerous reports and data which are predominantly flying in the industry shows that, lion’s share of women joins academics as professors or lecturers, course co-ordinators after completing their study of civil engineering due to the social stigma regarding environmental and societal preoccupied notions which was infused due to the past precedence and dilapidated mind-sets.

Gradually women are entering this new era of modern architecture and construction filled with vibrant enthusiastic mind and redesigning & redefining the entire scenario of the sector.

Give wings to the bird which wants to fly! Fasten the chauvinism and deep rooted morality of patriarchy!! Women are born to be leaders!!


Sonali Rastogi

Sonali graduated from School of Planning and Architecture (New Delhi) and The Architectural Association (London) with a graduate diploma in Housing and Urbanism and a second graduate diploma in Graduate Design. She established her architecture farm Morphogenesis with her husband Manit Rastogi, one of India's leading award-winning Architecture and Urban Design practices.

The sole approach of her farm has been to address from first principles, a design response based on local climatic, socio-cultural, economic and financial conditions that addresses the needs of an evolving and emergent economy such as India's. While growing in a family of architects she developed a keen interest in reading, model making and observing buildings while travelling, since her childhood.

From the beginning of her career, she was deeply attracted to issues related to the environment and sustainability. Their style of design is the perfect blending of the architecture which already exists in the processes of nature – adaptability, sustainability, diversity, interactivity, connectivity and so on– from the design of ant hills, morphology of trees for the formation of mountains. Their design philosophy revolves around a concept of creating a sustainable backbone, in terms of building physics and in terms of socio-cultural sensitivity for a design process to unfold.

Their design farm won a World Architecture Festival award for Best Learning Building, received Singapore Institute of Architects SIA-Getz Award, NDTV Architecture and Design Awards. Sonali Rastogi is a fellow at Indian Institute of Architects (IIA), the Royal Society of the Arts (RSA), UK, and was a member of the Delhi Urban Arts Commission.

Notable Works

Her farm Morphogenesis has designed world’s largest office building, Surat Diamond Bourse. Also designed Pearl Academy, The Woodside, Kausauli, Delhi Art Gallery, Rajaswa Bhawan, New Delhi and more.

Notable Statement

“Indian Architects need to look to the past to find the inspiration to create a sustainable future”, Sonali Rastogi

Last but not the least,

With the advancement of science and technology the rusty obsolete and stubborn conceptions are fading away replacing with ardent zeal of exploring new horizons in discreet sections of the industry. Swaying apart all the odds and constraints the modern young women like  Geetika Malik, of Landmark Buildwell, Bhavya Shetty of P.G Shetty Constructions, Pallavi Krishna Paspuleti of  Tripura Construction are knocking down the age old patriarchal rage of society and conquering the whole world.