By Sreejita Talukdar, Content Writer, Homes

Five Best Women Architects: The Change Makers & The Taboo Breakers

The Landscape of Construction and Real estate is predominantly male dominated profession, where women not really want to work because of their preoccupied notion regarding the complexities of work in this sector. From the numerous reports and data which are predominantly flying in the industry shows that, lion’s share of women joins academics as professors or lecturers, course co-ordinators after completing their study of civil engineering due to the social stigma regarding environmental and societal preoccupied notions which was infused due to the past precedence and dilapidated mind-sets.

Gradually women are entering this new era of modern architecture and construction filled with vibrant enthusiastic mind and redesigning & redefining the entire scenario of the sector.

Give wings to the bird which wants to fly! Fasten the chauvinism and deep rooted morality of patriarchy!! Women are born to be leaders!!


Mili Majumdar

She is a seasoned architect with more than two decades experience and expertise in the field of architecture and construction. She is an architecture graduate and a building technologies specialist from IIT, Madras. Mili has more than two and half decades of experience in the field of energy, green buildings, climate resilient housing, city planning, urban transportation and environment with a focus on sustainable development of habitats. Presently she is holding the post of Managing Director, Green Building Council India and Senior Vice President, US Green Building Council.

She looks after technical adaptation and customization of the portfolio of rating systems of GBCI for the Asia Pacific region. She is working as an advisor to the Delhi Urban Arts Commission and Glass Academy of Saint Gobain. She is a founding member of the Indian Building Performance Simulation Association. 

Mili is a sustainability expert who has been instrumental in leading India's efforts towards green buildings. She has been recognized for her contributions through various awards, including the Construction World Woman of the Year 2011 by ASAPP media, and the Realty Plus Woman Icon in Sustainability 2021.

Mili has bountiful experience in this field and has participated in many national and international seminars and conferences as lecturer. During leisure she enjoys her time with music, gardening, travelling, and exploring heritage sites.He expertise was honoured with prestigious Women in Sustainability Leadership and Woman Icon in Sustainability respectively in 2022 and 2021. She has penned down her extensive ideas in two books Energy-efficient Buildings in India and Green Homes and Workplaces.

Notable Works

She was associated with many projects related to green building, climate resilient housing, city planning, urban transportation, Sustainable development of habitats, LEED for Cities and Communities, LEED Residential. She was associated with the construction of Indira Paryavaran Bhavan.

Notable Statement

“Buildings are changing. They're becoming more intelligent and interconnected, offering new opportunities to support climate, health, resilience, and equity goals. There's no question that the way buildings are built and operated will evolve rapidly over the coming years”, -Mili Majumdar

Anupama Kundoo

Anupama is one of pre-eminent architect of India, whose design philosophy lies embedded in the approach to building design based on material research that minimizes environmental effects. Her basic design centres round the concept which uses "waste materials, unskilled labour and local communities”. Anupama Kundoo completed her degree of graduation in architecture from the Sir J. J. College of Architecture at the University of Bombay in 1989.

She was selected in the Vastu Shilpa Foundation Fellowship in 1996 for her thesis on "Urban Eco-Community: Design and Analysis for Sustainability". During 2008, she earned her doctoral degree from the Technical University of Berlin. With her skilful vast knowledge, research and experimentation, she has developed building prototypes that are eco-friendly as well as beneficial to society. She started her career in the eco-friendly village of India, Auroville, near Pondicherry, where she designed and built many buildings with ‘energy and water efficient infrastructure’ adaptations.

She taught in Technical University, Berlin, and Darmstadt in Hesse, worked as Assistant Professor at Parsons the New School for Design, New York, and senior lecturer in the University of Queensland. During 2014, she moved to Europe and joined European School of Architecture and Technology at the Universidad Camilo José Cela in Madrid. She received 2021 RIBA Charles Jencks award for her theory, Auguste Perret Prize for architectural technology. Her studios are based in Berlin in Germany, and Pune and Pondicherry in India. Few of her latest authored books are Auroville. The City the Earth Needs: Roger Anger's Visions for Urbanism and Architecture Is Experimentation: Global Award for Sustainable Architecture.

Notable Works

The Wall House, Residence For Pierre Tran, Main Residence Spirit Sense, The Samskara, Made In India, High-Speed Housing, Auroville Village Action Group Centre.

Notable Statement

“Architecture is a living, dynamic and intelligent force that embraces the past, present and future all at once”, – Anupama Kundoo