By Team Homes | Friday, 08 September 2023

Chandrayan-3's Smooth Landing broadened the way to Invest on buying land on Moon

Gifting a diamond necklace on valentine’s day or gifting a dress on birthday is back dated now. Naming a crater in your beloved’s name or gifting a land parcel on moon on birthday is the ongoing trend. Now, if a mother says that she will bring the Moon to comfort her child or a true lover approaches his beloved saying “if you want the moon, I will bring it to you” It is possible at its truest sense. These are not few cheesy lines containing illusional metaphors but, it can be the truest reality, because buying land on moon is not an impossible phenomenon anymore.

With the unbound success of ISRO’s Chandrayan-3 India has permanently imprinted its footprints on the land of moon, as the result of relentless efforts of the scholar scientists. The historic day of 23rd August has scripted a whole new Revolutionary Evolution in the history of mankind.

After this prodigious success India became the true owner of the land parcel of South Pole of the moon and 'Chanda Mama’ became our true neighbor. Rather neglecting the idea of owning a land on moon, you have to research over the internet to know its truthfulness. There are very few organizations which can help you to buy land parcel on moon. If you are really eager to buy it and acquire your dream land on moon you should hurry up because when the demand increases the price will surely soar high.

As the day is passing delightfully with the progressive advancements of space science, purchasing land on ‘Luna’- the Earth’s moon has became as easy as purchasing land on earth. Very few agencies are there, like the International Lunar Lands Registry (ILLR) that act as a broker in the process. The website lists 12 land sites of the moon namely, Sea of tranquility, Sea of Vapor, Ocean of Storms, Lake of Dreams, The Lunar Alps, Bay of Rainbows, Lake of Happiness, Taurus Mountains, Sea of Clouds, Moscoviense, Sea of Rains, Eastern Sea. You can click on them to find out more and even make a booking. It is just like huge building complexes. A single click on Google can take you to the websites of those discreet agencies or organizations who are selling land on the Moon. Namely, Lunar Embassy, Cosmic Register and Moon Estates, most of them are based on abroad and are offering buyers an acre for as little as $34.99 (approx. ₹2,890). The purchase will end up with a registered certificate of the claim, a satellite image of the land, and mineral rights for a depth of five kilometers below the surface. There will be an additional cost of shipping and processing of deeds.

Is it still sounding like a fictional story to you? Well! No!!It is the reality. The rules regarding the purchase of land started more than 50 years ago, when the U.N.’s Outer Space Treaty of 1967 came up. It declared that the land of moon belongs to all mankind and no particular country can use it purposively for their own benefit. The treaty was signed by 109 countries including India, it is regarded as the Magna Carta of space legislation system and restrained the land to be used through private ownerships.

After choosing the block or piece of land you have to fill a form of details like your name, address, profession, age and other details and you are good to go. It is as easy as buying a product or order food online. The price range of the land varies from Rs.1,500 per acre ($19) to around Rs.10,000 ($120) per acre. Besides, buying land on moon, there is also an option of naming a crater of your name through a website called The Crater Registry at around Rs.8,172.28 ($99).

Rajat Rajan (41) is a businessman from Dehradun was very enthusiastic about the concept and started his own venture called ‘Chaand Pe Zameen’. As per this unique business model, he buys land from the Lunar Embassy and sells it in India keeping a slight profit margin. He started in 2020 with 20 one-acre plots; within a year he sold all of them for ₹2,500 each. Rajan mentioned that he has witnessed a hike in buying lands on moon following the tremendous successful landing of Chandryan-3 on the Lunar South Pole. Their Christmas sale is going on. You can grab it or simply leave it. Recently, Rajan bought six more acres and has already sold three out of them.

Rupesh Masson (49) is a businessman from Jammu and Kashmir also secured a land ownership on moon after two days of Chandrayan-3’s historic landing. He delightfully explained that he has purchased land on "Luna Earths Moon, Tract 55-Parcel 10772 known as Lacus Felicitatis (Lake of Happiness)."

The Lunar Registry has shared that they experienced an extreme surge on purchasing land ownership on moon following the landing of Chandrayan-3 and they re-facing difficulties and delays in processing the ownership documents. So, they put a notice on their website saying, “Due to extremely high order volume following the successful landing of Chandrayaan-3, we are currently experiencing lengthy processing and fulfillment delays."

Are you thrilled enough and feeling an adrenaline rush running through your body and wanting to dig into the land of moon? Well, there are some regulatory obligations of ownership regarding U.N.’s Outer Space Treaty of 1967. Though it barred national ownership of any celestial body, it doesn’t oppose the ownership of private individuals from buying land parcel there.

At the end, you are the best judge of choosing the right investment of your hard-earned money. If you are enthusiastic enough to explore new adventures landing on a new celestial body and conquer another world, you can definitely go ahead and buy land parcel on moon but if you don’t think it as worthy place to invest then you can simply ignore this part. The choice is yours!!