By Sreejita Talukdar, Content Writer, Homes

World Nature Conservation Day: Preserve Nature to Protect Mankind

The blue pale dot in the map, which is our own planet Earth, is the storehouse of resources that are constantly being consumed at an accelerating pace. Humans are the most ingenious creature on Earth who is using the resources for procuring good outcomes from the resources but returning toxins, fumes, and pollutants in nature. To reawaken the senses of the clever creature Human about the deadly impacts of pollution, United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP) has designated specific days for environmental observance like World Environment Day, World Habitat Day, World Wetland Day, and World Nature Conservation Day and so on.

Conserve the Nature & Safeguard the Nation

Celebrated on July 28th, World Nature Conservation Day marks the beginning of a new commitment to embracing biodiversity and inspiring individuals and communities to engage in sustainable practices. The first Nature conservation Day was commemorated in 1972 at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden.

In the end, we should remember that, if we conserve nature by eradicating toxic elements our chance of living more will be conserved. So PERCEIVE, PRESERVE, & PROTECT nature’s artistry for an Undoubtful Future

As we are forwarding towards the future to celebrate these days with their actual objectives in order to eradicate few deadly challenges like, climate change, habitat loss, pollution, and biodiversity loss. We need to be noticeably alert because it is not only affecting the natural flora and fauna but it is profoundly affecting human health, economies, and overall quality of life.

Green Forest Vs. Concrete Forest

The cities and towns are overarching the villages to accommodate the huge migrating population of those who are coming to the cities and towns in search of employment opportunities or education. The outskirts of the cities which were previously full of green spaces having blissful natural habitat and perfectly balanced ecosystems are now gradually getting converted into the deadly combination of Concrete, Crowd, and Congestion.

The IISC Bangalore report unveiled that,93% of the city is under concrete jungle, with a steep rise of 1055% in the built up areas, as a result 9% fall in the water spread area 88% loss of vegetation, which is heavily contributing towards sequestration of respiratory carbon in the last 50 years.

As the city is driving a rapid reckless concretization the water surface has shrunk tremendously. 98% of the lakes which are the breeding ground of natural habitat are getting encroached and most of them are being fed with untreated water of sewage or industrial effluents. This deadly decline of water conservation is impacting groundwater tables as well and it was the greatest contributor to the water crisis of the Silicon Valley.

Due to the absence of green woods, the survival of the wildlife is also at stake, because most of the animals are centered around a specific place because of their particular food habits and weather conditions. Due to the rapid concretization they are being forced to migrate, and unfortunately in between these migrating stages they are dying and gradually few species are becoming endangered.

Entering into the Era of Green Architecture

Shelter is the top priority for our survival but with time, our priority tends to shift towards comfort and luxury, instead of just a concrete construction. The hustle-bustle of urban living, dominated by towering concrete buildings and noxious vehicles, tends to take a toll on the tranquility of nature. Mother Nature is crying vehemently for help to preserve its existence. But still a slight ray of hope is there if humanity can gain perspective and show compassion in their actions.

As with time and the widespread effect of few nature centric campaigns humans got back their senses and started to use technologies and scientific stamina for preserving and conserving nature and natural habitat.

Currently architects are plugging into green architecture where they include several green spaces within the building or in and around the cityscape or apartment. Through this inclusion of green spaces a natural string of connection is being created which are not only helping the environment to heal but helping the human to unwind and rejuvenate their soul senses for starting afresh.

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