By Jaipriya K S, Content Writer, Homes

Trendy Tableware Treasures - Road to Delightful Dining!

2024 is welcoming a new wave of trends and designs when it comes to interior designing. As a whole, the interior designing landscape is witnessing a transformative shift from normal designs and products to sustainable designs and products which are made of organic materials. The organic materials that are not only healthy for humans in fact it is safe for nature too.

Back in those days, tableware used to be specially designed only during some special occasions or festivals with luxuries and elegant products just to impress guests and visitor. We are no more living in that world! Yes, you heard it right!!

More than Utensils, well-set & well-curated Tableware is a forum to express our creativity & a call to attend the cherished culinary celebration everyday!


Smart tableware

In the motto to bring the technology & innovation in tables to amplify the user experience & convenience, the tableware industry is going through huge shift by gripping the Smart Tableware. Imagine the tableware in your home responds through integrated sensors and sets a seamless & effective dining experience. Yes, well-equipped with high-tech sensors, smart tableware detects and provides insights on the temperature, weight and movement of foodstuffs & drinks; also, it provides the real-time data & information about the nutritional content of the food accurately.

To ensure the optimal enjoyment, smart tableware automatically adjusts the temperature of the food and sends reminders about healthy food options. We can connect the smart tableware with smart home system using its seamless lighting control which adjusts the lighting of dining ambiance to create unique & yearning atmosphere.

“Over the last few years, there has been an emergence of organized players in interior industry that are leveraging technology to offer superior quality products & services to customers”- Sharad Wankhede, Co-Founder & CTO, Design Cafe