By Team Homes | Friday, 21 June 2024

'Only Written Complaints of Homebuyers will be acknowledged', instructs UPRERA

UPRERA has announced that it will acknowledge complaints from home buyers only it is in written format. This significant move comes after some of the home-buyers frequently shift their ‘sought relief’ once the final closure has been passed.

The real estate regulatory authority has now delivered instructions that the authority will go forward for recognizing the complaints and submissions from home-buyers in the written format to eliminate the unexpected and unwanted errors, disputes and removal of the complaints.

In order to make sure the immediate disposal and recovery of the complaints from home-buyers before it reaches to the bench of RERA, a written format has been arranged and uploaded on official RERA portal.

The official subjected this matter says, this move is essential as many home-buyers change the statement in between or after the final order is released.

As per the official statement of UP RERA Chairman, Sanjay Bhoosreddy, “We have seen in many cases that the complainant deviates from his sought relief, due to which the time and hard work of the Authority as well as other stakeholders is wasted. To further strengthen the judicial process, the Authority will now issue the final order based on the submission of the sought relief in writing from the complainant so that the complainant can get a satisfactory final order, he does not deviate from his sought relief and we successfully ensure legal disposal of the complaints”.

In this case, Venket Rao, RERA Expert and Founder of a law firm Intygrat “This is more an effort to standardize written submissions. Invariably, homebuyers and even at times lawyer’s present written submissions in different formats and at times written submissions and concluding relief sought vastly differs from the online complaint and relief sought therein. So, this is more of a standardization effort”.

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