By Jaipriya K S, Content Writer, Homes

Power of Vastu Shastra Principles: Cultivates Goodness in Homes

Everyone wants their home to be perfect in every possible way, as setting-up a new home or buying an apartment is not simply a physical development or shifting to a new brick & mortar building. It is a special occasion for a home buyer to create a fortunate environment that reverberates with prospective energies & positive vibrations all around the house. 

Since, Vastu Shastra is the most powerful principle, it is important to navigate into the way of holistic methodologies for home construction, arrangement, and interior design. Undoubtedly, the proven science narrated by the ancient Indians appears as a guiding light. Remarkably, this ancient & holistic science perfectly serves as guiding force for urban home planning & architectural designing that empowers people to build their spaces that emphasizes balanced, harmonious, and conductive to overall welfare. 

Embrace the exceptional ancient brilliance of the Vastu Shastra and turn every corner & piece of your home sprinkled with purity, positivity, serenity, and prosperity!


Vastu Shastra & its Encyclopedia

According to Vastu Shastra, Diamond, L, and Triangular shaped plots are gloomy and unhopeful in nature, hence they should not be purchased. Lands with sharp cuts in their edges should be avoided. Extensions on the land that are found in the Northwest direction are not noble to utilize, as they are believed to cause unexpected loss of luck and wealth. 

Lands that are bulged at the center and tends to slope on all sides should be avoided. If possible, land buyer can choose a plot in which the north east half (solar) is lesser than the southwest half (lunar half).

This activity of geographical consideration guarantees the flow of natural light, polar & solar energy into the land. Land situated near the large electric poles & electric power stations especially on the northeast sides of the plot are not advisable as they do not cause any positive vibrations for the plot. 

In case, if you are purchasing a land near a hospital, temple, manufacturing utility or any other public spaces, there must be a distance of minimum 80 feet away from these places. To make sure this, Vastu Shastra recommends that the shadow of the building or a temple will not emerge over the home.