| | MAY - JUNE 202419Fusion of Traditionalism & Modernism: A Step towards Climate Sensitivity Traditional architecture of India has its roots attached to the ancient history which is adorned with rich heritage and culture. The traditional or indigenous architecture is designed and built using local materials and resources, and adapted to the local culture and climate. In this era we are severely facing devastating ill effects of pollution ushering the natural calamities to take place frequently. Global warming is the strongest factor that is destroying the whole ecological balance of our environment. It is beneficial for us if we switch to the environment friendly options in every sphere of the industry thus, in terms of construction of houses people are shifting towards eco-friendly traditional methods of architecture.The buildings with more contemporary, professionally built architecture may not be as sustainable or resource-efficient as compared to vernacular architecture. Vernacular architecture is designed keeping in mind the functionality factor, reflecting the needs, resources, and cultural values of the people who use it. Owing to its use of local materials and its close relationship to the natural environment, vernacular architecture is more sustainable and resource-efficient than the modern concrete structures. Union of Traditional & Contemporary Architecture: First Choice of Gen ZAcknowledging the goodness of traditional methods of architecture, modern architects are blending traditional & modern construction style to create brand new architectural styles for modern homes. This fusion of style is not only infusing innovation but serving a great deal towards cutting down carbon footprints, making it more resistant towards storms, earthquakes, and landslides. Apart from this, the craftsmanship related to vernacular architecture method does not need hi-tech equipment to process and install as in the case of modern architecture design. Today's modern architecture designs tend to last only a generation or even less than that, as it demands for costly maintenance. The injection of traditional methods in modern architecture can endure for more time with very minimal price of maintenance. Few modern architectural designs include the usage of unconventional energy sources like solar power, rainwater harvesting, and so on. This helps in saving a lot of money on their bills. Future of ArchitectureA majority of modern architecture designs involve components like wood and stone which are attributed to create a warm and inviting effect. Urban modern lifestyle demands a top-notch facility that is overwhelmingly vibrant and luxurious. A few of the traditional methods are being widely incorporated in this to enhance its aesthetic vibes. Biophilic corners with wide variety of decorative plants, wooden showpieces, eco-friendly rugs, all are very wisely introduced to these modern set-up by thoughtfully working out on proportion so that, the classy and opulent touch doesn't get affected by these traditional styles. This urge of creating new will allow the architects and designers to push the boundaries of what is possible, and assist them in creating buildings that are highly functional and efficient.Considering the market value, Homes has come up with a list of `Top 10 Vernacular Architectures of India - 2024', detailing about the services offered by topnotch service providers for the readers to highlight and educate the readers about the top architectures, who revolutionized innovation and creativity with the essence of sustainability. The above issue has been scrutinized and thoroughly researched by a panel of industry experts along with Homes Editorial Board, which provides an in-depth analysis of the current scenario of the industry.
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